The administrative structure of GO-MED is shown below.
Note: We have listed the members at the top and the Board of Directors and Officers down below, since they are there to serve the members (something that many corporations seem to have forgotten these days!).
Yearly Membership..........annual fee - FREE
Membership is open to all. Members must remain in good standing.
The current Board of Directors, elected at the October 6th, 2013 Annual General Meeting, consists of the following individuals (listed alphabetically by last name):
We also currently have two regional directors:
Their duties can be found in the By-Laws section of the Constitution page (item numbers 12-25).
The Provisional, founding directors of GO-MED were the following individuals (listed alphabetically by last name):
In November of 2009, when we began the application for charitable status with the federal government, we discovered a regulation which stated that the number of directors "not at arm's length" had to represent less than 50% of the total number of directors. Since there were two married couples on the provisional Board (i.e. 4 of the 8, or 50%, were not at arm's length) Rizalina Guilatco Carr offered her resignation from the Board to allow the application to proceed. Now only 2 of the 7 remaining directors are "not at arm's length". (I bet that's more than you ever wanted to know about a government corporate regulation!)
(President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer)
The President is normally elected at the Annual General Meeting. All other officers are appointed by the Board of Directors. Their duties can be found in the By-Laws section of the Constitution page (item numbers 26-33).
Coordinators are volunteers, some of whom may also be directors. They are in charge of specific responsibilities suggested by their titles:
Some individuals may hold two or more Coordinator positions at the same time.
Each GO-MED “Mission” team consists of members in good standing, who have been selected by the Mission Organizing Committee to fulfill positions required by the specific mission in question.
The GO-MED Mission Team will consist of some or all of the following:
Mission Leader, Surgical Leader, Anaesthesiology Leader, Nursing Leader, Surgeons, Anaesthesiologists,
OR Nurses, PACU Nurses, and Support Staff (including health educators & other non-medical volunteers).
The members of the Mission Organizing Committee are the following:
Application Files:
All applications to volunteer for GO-MED missions are kept on file. Paper applications are scanned and filed electronically. Also kept are records of all selected GO-MED mission team members, including the roles and responsibilities accepted by those members. These files may be appended with evaluations by the Mission Coordinator and Mission Organizing Committee after the missions have been completed.
Selection Procedures:
The Mission Organizing Committee selects volunteers for each mission team according to the following procedures:
Coordinators are responsible for their areas and accountable to the Board for the entire duration of their term.
Leaders occupy the same positions as coordinators during the missions abroad.
For instance, the Surgical Coordinator is called the Surgical Leader during a mission. If the Surgical Coordinator does not go on the mission, she/he will appoint a Surgical Leader who will be accountable to the Surgical Coordinator.
General Guideline:
The following is a general guideline for the positions needed for a two-week surgical mission serving 70 to 80 general and gynaecological patients in two operating rooms with 28 volunteers:
1 mission leader;
1 team leader;
1 site coordinator (can be a local host country contact working with the mission leader);
3 anaesthesiologists;
4 surgeons;
2 registered nurses (RN’s) for pre-op, post-op and intra-venous administration;
6 operating room (OR) nurses;
1 back-up lead operating room nurse (back up for OR and/or PACU);
4 post acute care unit (PACU) nurses;
1 secretary (administrative support) as scheduler, financial manager, and mission journalist;
1 supplies manager;
1 equipment manager;
2 interpreters, “gofers” and transporters;
28 volunteers total.
GO-MED uses the RACI model of business functioning. The RACI acronym stands for:
R = Responsible (who “owns” the task);
A = Accountable (who has final authority and “signs off” on the work by R);
C = Consulted (who can be relied on for task consultation & support);
I = Informed (who must be notified but not necessarily consulted).
To go to the next page, click 'Medical Missions.'
This page was last updated on October 12, 2013 .
Copyright 2010, GO-MED