
GO-MED’s 2017 Medical Mission will be to South America again!

The dates for the mission have been set as November 2-17, 2017. The hospital is Hospital Jerusalen, in the District of La Esperanza, Trujillo province (just northwest of the city of Trujillo).

We are currently trying to raise $10 000 to pay for laparoscopic instruments instruments for 2017 mission to Peru. If you wish to donate online at Canada Helps GO-MED page, please click here to take you to the page.

If you would like to pay by personal cheque or money order, they can be made payable to:


and sent to our mailing address at:

374 – 1231 Pacific Blvd., Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6Z 0E2

Donations are gratefully accepted and charitable donation tax receipts will be provided.